With 30 years of television career, 25 of which at Globo, Luciano Huck says he still feels the same enthusiasm as in the beginning. “I have the same drive, the same desire to work. It may decrease at some point, but so far it’s always a novelty,” says the presenter, who speaks to millions of Brazilians weekly.

Hosting “Domingão com Huck” since 2021, Huck highlights that his curiosity and desire to achieve more have always driven him. “I have always been very intense, wanting to work, do, achieve,” he says in this episode of The Business of Life.

For Huck, daily challenges are sources of renewal in his career. “I love feeling challenged. I like to be surrounded by people more competent than me, and I try to create that environment anywhere. In television, I think everyone is better than me, because I am always willing to learn,” he says.

Despite his vast experience, 53-year-old Huck admits he still deals with insecurities. “I think insecurity and doubts have to accompany you all the time. When you think you already know everything about a subject, you can be sure you are old or obsolete,” he says.

For him, the role of a presenter goes beyond entertainment. “I am acutely aware of the responsibility and privilege of being able to talk to 40 million people every Sunday night.” In his view, television should be a tool to break bubbles and make complex messages accessible, especially in a time of such polarization.

Although he has considered entering politics in recent years, Huck says he sees himself today as a “political citizen,” engaged in forming new leadership. “I want to participate, I will participate, and I am already participating, but that does not mean that I am a candidate for anything. It’s about participating as a civil society.” According to him, the country currently has a “elephant in the room,” which is the political class, and it shouldn’t be. “We have moved towards a culture of outrage, of who shouts the loudest, but it’s not about that. We need to form new leaders, qualify, raise the bar of ethics, or we will continue walking in circles, being a rich country by nature and poor by choice,” he concludes.

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