Veteran of vehicles like Veja, Estadão, Correio Braziliense, and O Globo, journalist Rodrigo Rangel is venturing into entrepreneurship for the first time, launching a new website to cover Brasília with the American Politico as a benchmark.

Rangel – with three Esso awards under his belt and recent reporting that led to the downfall of the former Caixa president, Pedro Guimarães – has just launched PlatôBR, which will provide coverage of the three branches of power focusing on scoops, exclusive stories, and analysis.

Rodrigo Rangel ok

“Our idea is to avoid the ‘commodity journalism’ of power coverage. We won’t just report official statements and press conferences… If it’s important, we will seek a new angle and the behind-the-scenes,” Rangel told Brazil Journal.

Platô is starting with a team of four veteran journalists.

In addition to Rangel, the team includes Sheila D’Amorim, who has worked at Folha de S. Paulo, Estadão, and O Globo and will be responsible for macroeconomics coverage; Gilberto Nascimento, a former IstoÉ, O Globo, and Estadão journalist who will cover the Planalto and the Esplanade of Ministries; and Leonardo Fuhrmann, who worked at Folha and will focus on the Judiciary.

PlatôBR’s revenue will come 100% from advertising and events to discuss Power topics. According to Rangel, the idea is not to work with subscriptions.

PlatôBR is entering a market where competition is fierce, with extensive coverage from both traditional media and new media.

One of PlatôBR’s strategies to gain momentum from the start is a syndication partnership with outlets such as Brazil Journal, Correio Braziliense, Estado de Minas, and the portals IstoÉ and Uai.

These outlets will be able to republish all of PlatôBR’s articles, directing relevant traffic to the new site.

For reference, the combined audience of these outlets is 70 million unique users per month and 220 million views. On social media, the five outlets have over 20 million followers.

PlatôBR also plans to seek partnerships with other regional outlets, expanding its reach.

PlatôBR enters the market at a “challenging time for everyone,” said Rangel. “The Government is being challenged, politically and economically; media outlets are challenged on the best way to cover the Government after the Bolsonaro years; and the opposition is seeking paths, seeing new challenging power centers emerging within it.”

In this context, Rangel says the role of the press is to continue monitoring whoever is in government, regardless of the consequences.

“We intend to do this, and do it correctly, giving space to everyone, listening to all sides, and investigating with all necessary care.”
