Pasifik Eurasia has garnered attention with its first block train export from Turkey to Europe. With this significant step, the company has opened a new chapter in the logistics sector.

## Pasifik Eurasia DTİ Completes Its First Journey from Turkey to Europe

Pasifik Eurasia Railway Train Operation (DTİ), the third private railway operator in Turkey, conducted its inaugural block train journey from Turkey to Europe on October 18, 2024. The train, carrying the equivalent of 38 truckloads of export goods, was sent off with the participation of Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, Turkey’s Minister of Transport and Infrastructure.First Block Train from Pasifik Eurasia to Europe: 600 Million Euro Target

## Minister Uraloğlu: “Pasifik Eurasia is an Important Milestone for the Industry”

In his speech at the ceremony, Minister Uraloğlu emphasized the significance of Pasifik Eurasia in the railway sector. He noted that the company is Turkey’s first international freight transport railway operator and stated that Pasifik Eurasia has taken a crucial step for the sector’s development. The train, which will operate on the Istanbul-Budapest route, will cover a total distance of 1,549 km and complete its journey in four days. Pasifik Eurasia aims to transport 750,000 tons of export goods through this route with 60 trains monthly and 600 trains annually.First Block Train from Pasifik Eurasia to Europe: 600 Million Euro Target

## The Historical Silk Road Revived by the Iron Silk Road

Minister Uraloğlu also referenced the Silk Railway project, which is the shortest, safest, and most economical railway corridor between Asia and Europe. He indicated that implementing this project is of great importance for international cooperation and expressed that railways will create a new Silk Road. He noted that while silk was transported along the historic Silk Road in the past, today containers are being moved, which carry not only consumer goods but also raw materials necessary for constructing a new world order.

## Railway Transport Between China and Europe is on the Rise

Uraloğlu mentioned that in 2023, there were 9,340 train journeys between China and Europe and 8,180 journeys between Europe and China, collectively transporting 1.9 million TEUs. He stated that Turkey is embarking on a new era in railways to gain a larger share of these transports. Uraloğlu emphasized the crucial role of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway Line in this context, noting that containers departing from China can reach Turkey in 12 days and Europe in 18 days via the Marmaray Tube Crossing.

The first block train export carried out by Pasifik Eurasia is seen as a significant milestone in Turkey’s logistics sector goals. The company aims to continue playing a leading role in railway transport in the future.
