Turkey’s Transportation Investments

In recent years, Turkey has achieved many milestones in land, sea, and air transportation through significant investments in these sectors. These investments have led to a rapid increase in the number of rail systems, highways, tunnels, ports, and airports throughout the country.

Increase in Active Airports

Since 2002, the number of active airports has risen from 26 to 58 with the addition of the newly opened Çukurova International Airport. This growth is reflected in the country’s export figures from these airports.

Significant Airborne Exports

In 2019, products worth $14.8 billion were exported via air. Despite the global transport disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, exports reached $12.7 billion in 2020. Thanks to measures taken against the pandemic, air exports increased to $18.7 billion in 2021, $20.7 billion in 2022, and $25.5 billion in 2023. Over the past five years, total exports amounted to $92.5 billion, with air exports rising by 71.8%.

Growth in Air Exports in 2023

In the January to July period of this year, air exports also showed an increase. During these seven months, air exports totaled $14.2 billion, up from $12.7 billion in the same period last year.

Majority of Exports via Sea Transport

When examining the transportation methods for exports from Turkey, it was found that the highest share is attributed to sea transport. In 2019, of the total $180.8 billion in exports, $109.1 billion was transported by sea. In 2020, $100.9 billion of the $169.6 billion in exports was through sea, while in 2021, $133.7 billion of $225.2 billion, in 2022, $150.3 billion of $254.2 billion, and in 2023, $143.3 billion of the $255.6 billion in exports were conducted via sea transport.

Sea Transport in 2023

In the first seven months of this year, out of a total export of $148.7 billion, $83.7 billion was achieved through sea transport.
