God forbid a woman who decides to raise children and run a business at the same time. These crazy women disrupt the “natural order of things” and accelerate the march of history. (I don’t like it.)

God forbid their daughters, ambitious Jacobins, who draw inspiration from their mothers to dream higher than embroidery and the stove. These girls from Faria Lima – killers in tailleur – insist on moving from support areas to business areas of the bank. (Why do they insist on this so much?)

God forbid boyfriends and husbands who play along, those who are understanding and not jealous. God forbid those who don’t feel emasculated by their partner’s success. (They make me feel like a small man… a micro man.)

God forbid naive bosses who promote women without suspecting their powerful ovaries, and God forbid those companies with that “feminine gaze”. (I don’t understand how that works.)

Grandpa used to say: “The best use of female energy is at home and in the family.”

Now, thinking about it…

God forbid the glass ceiling and discreet discrimination – even more poisonous than the explicit kind.

God forbid the old boys’ club, those who fear a skirt, and those who cut off a woman while she’s speaking.

God forbid men who had a century to learn – and learned nothing. But Lord, protect us even more from those who understood everything perfectly – but would do anything to take us backwards.

“God forbid a woman CEO” because they can, one day – when least expected – take my place.

And they have already started. Eating around the edges, stomping their feet on the ground, banging on the door to enter, they created the world of Cristina Junqueira’s purple card, Renata Vichi’s milk chocolates, Luciana Wodzik’s powerful shoes. The world of Luiza Helena’s tasty meat, Cristina Betts’s ultra high-end malls, Taci Veloso’s press releases, Paula Harraca’s colleges. The world of Tania Cosentino’s operating system.

But one day, this world will be even better – and in it, we won’t need to explain that the Earth is round. The obvious will no longer need to be said.

And thank you, my God, for the wake-up call – for sending us this alert that the path will be even longer than we thought. But… We. Can. Do. It.

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